Get Involved

sja_Kitchen-Crew-St-James-2009Please contact our office at, or leave a message at 978-388-0030.

The Peace of the Lord be always with you!

There are so many ways to expand and enrich our experiences at St James Church. Do you have a special talent or interest? You’re invited – encouraged! – to put it to good use. Enjoy making new friends, and the pride and satisfaction that comes from being a point of light in our community and beyond.

Here are some of the groups and activities that are always eager to welcome a new participant:

Lay Eucharistic Visitors – LEVs and friends visit members of our community on Sunday and throughout the week, bearing everyone’s prayers and best wishes. You are invited to be a part of this ministry!  If interested, talk to Fr John about this powerful ministry. All LEVs must be Safe Church trained.

Altar Flowers – Are you interested in providing floral tributes, gracing our church while honoring a special person or occasion?  Sign up to provide funds or supplies for altar flowers and other ways of beautifying our church.  Our volunteers will work with you, or for you, to create a beautiful tribute.  Please contact the office to reserve your choice of dates.

Choir – Our volunteer choir is one of the blessings of our Sunday morning worship at the 10am service. Come, join, and sing!

Christian Education – St James is pleased to offer Godly Play, a Montessori-based curriculum, to its youngest members. Godly Play is a thoughtful, hands-on introduction to scriptures and theologies of the Christian faith as it prepares them for the joys and challenges of their lives. New teachers are welcome; training is provided.

Youth Ministry – St James is blessed with a vibrant youth group, who serve at the altar, help out with teaching and hospitality, volunteer with outreach, and celebrate together! Young people are central to the life of our parish. Friends are always welcome.

Hospitality – You don’t have to be a great cook to be part of the St James Hospitality program. Just put on a smile and an apron and have fun taking your turn at hosting a Coffee Hour. For details about what’s involved, contact the office at

Outreach – Throughout the year, St James participates in many outreach programs, such as charity fundraising walks, school supply collections, a Christmas Giving Tree, Habitat for Humanity builds, and more. We collect and deliver items for local agencies that help those in need of clothing and food. We partner with Pettengill House and Our Neighbors’ Table, among others, in their initiatives to help those in need. If you are interested in helping in our Outreach Programs, please contact the office at, or call us at 978-388-0030.

Want to know more? Have a great idea? Call or e-mail us and let us know that you are interested in getting involved. We’d love to hear from you!