Reflections from Fr. John & Sermons

Reflections from Fr. John & Sermons

On Friday, following the Celebration of New Ministry service, my mother said to me: “What a truly wonderful and celebratory service.  This was really the first completely happy occasion we have had together as a family since dad’s death.”  I want to thank you all for making the service such a splendid and joyous event for our entire Saint James family, a family who as our Junior Warden said to me several weeks ago, “John, you are part of our Saint James family which makes your extended family part of the Saint James family too.”

Although the summer is just beginning, before we know it we will be approaching September and the beginning of my first full academic year as Rector.  I am looking forward to getting to know each of you a little better and for you getting to know me better and asking me any questions you may have.  I particularly want to hear from you about what you are excited about at St. James? What you are concerned about? Optimistic and enthusiastic about?  What programs and activities would you like to see at St. James?   And so on.

In order to help us enter into these conversations the vestry and I have developed a program called “Greet Your New Rector,” informal gatherings which will be held at parishioners’ houses on Saturday mornings in the fall. During these gatherings, I will have the opportunity to tell you more about my story, the road that has led me to St. James and my hopes for our future together and you will be provided with the opportunity to voice your questions and suggestions.  We will share light breakfast and conversation for about an hour or less. During the summer, sign-up sheets will be available for you to choose a Saturday morning that works for you.  The vestry will host some of these events but we also would like to have non-vestry hosts as well.  It is my hope that I will be able to meet you all at one of these gatherings.  We will also invite those who have not been at St. James for a while to participate.  Children and youth are also invited.

I am looking forward to our future together, confident that it will be prosperous, fruitful and splendid.  I hope you all have a wonderful summer and please know you all remain in my daily thoughts and prayers.

Yours in Christ,


Sermon – June 7, 2015 – The Second Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 5, John A. Satula

Sermon – June 14, 2015 – The Third Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 6(B) The Rev. John A. Satula

Sermon – June 21, 2015

Sermon – July 19, 2915 – The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 11(B)-1

Sermon – July 26, 2015 – The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 12(B)